Landlords Call for Rogue Tenant Register to Safeguard Properties

Landlords across the UK are calling for the establishment of a tenant register that would provide crucial information about potential renters. According to research conducted by property services firm Leaders Romans Group, 45% of landlords are in favor of a tenant register that would detail individuals who have previously been in arrears or caused damage to properties. This register would serve as a valuable tool for landlords, allowing them to make more informed decisions when selecting tenants.

Landlords Call for Rogue Tenant Register to Safeguard Properties

The idea behind the tenant register is to create a 'black list' of individuals who have a history of defaulting on rent payments or causing disturbances in rental properties. By having access to this information, landlords would be able to avoid renting to problematic tenants who may pose a risk to their properties. Currently, landlords rely heavily on credit ratings to assess the financial reliability of potential tenants, but many believe that a tenant register would provide a more comprehensive picture of a renter's history.

In addition to the proposed tenant register, landlords are also advocating for changes in how tenant arrears are handled. A significant 70% of landlords believe that tenant arrears should have a greater impact on credit ratings, making it more difficult for individuals with a history of late payments to secure rental properties. Furthermore, 61% of landlords are in favor of establishing a bespoke housing court to address tenant disputes, providing a specialized and efficient avenue for resolving conflicts between landlords and tenants.

The concept of a tenant register and other proposed changes are aimed at improving the rental market for both landlords and tenants. While landlords seek greater transparency and accountability from renters, tenants also stand to benefit from a more streamlined and fair rental process. Ultimately, the goal is to create a more harmonious and efficient rental market that benefits all parties involved.

The push for a tenant register and other reforms in the rental market reflects the ongoing efforts to enhance transparency and accountability in the landlord-tenant relationship. By implementing these changes, landlords hope to mitigate risks associated with problematic tenants, while tenants aim to have a more equitable and efficient rental experience.


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