Scientists Reveal 8 Measures to Slow Down Biological Aging by Up to 6 Years

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Scientists Reveal 8 Measures to Slow Down Biological Aging by Up to 6

A recent study presented at the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions conference in Philadelphia has identified eight key health measures that can potentially slow down biological aging process by up to six years. According to US experts, maintaining optimal body weight, blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure, along with adopting healthy sleep patterns, regular physical activity, and abstaining from smoking, can significantly impact the pace of biological ageing.

The study, which analyzed data from over 6,500 adults with an average age of 47, found that individuals with the best cardiovascular health appeared to be biologically younger by approximately six years compared to their actual age. This concept, known as phenotypic age acceleration, measures the difference between one's biological age and chronological age, with higher values indicating faster biological ageing.

The Life's Essential 8 framework, developed by the American Heart Association, focuses on four modifiable lifestyle measures and four modifiable health markers to define heart health. By assessing factors such as metabolism, organ function, and inflammation, researchers were able to determine the biological age of individuals based on their adherence to the Life's Essential 8 guidelines.

For instance, individuals with good heart health had an average biological age of 36 despite being 41 years old in reality, while those with poor cardiovascular health had an average biological age of 57 despite being 53 years old chronologically. The eight health measures recommended by the American Heart Association include maintaining a healthy diet, being physically active, quitting smoking, getting adequate sleep, controlling cholesterol levels, monitoring blood sugar levels, and managing blood pressure.

Prioritising these eight health measures can potentially slow down biological aging process and promote overall heart health, leading to a biologically younger age. By making conscious lifestyle choices and focusing on preventive health measures, individuals can enhance their quality of life and potentially add years to their overall healthspan.


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